#! /bin/sh #! PATH "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/ucb/bin" export PATH echo "Creating a new Configuration File" echo "What machine will the ircd be running on (Example: gateway.sei.cmu.edu) \c" read machname echo "Please tell me some information about your Institution ( Example: Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pa) \c" read siteinfo echo "What is the IP address for the site your ircd will be connecting to? \c" read upip echo "What is the machine name of the site your ircd will be connecting to( Example: accuvax.nwu.edu) \c" read upname echo "What will be the irc name of the operator? \c" read opname echo "What will be his password to initiate operator mode in irc? \c" read oppass echo "What is the Full name of the IRC administrator for your site? \c" read adminname echo "what is their e-mail address? \c" read adminmail echo "Please input some miscellaneous info about your irc administrator \c" read adminmisc echo "What domain will this ircd serve? {Example: gateway.sei.cmu.edu serves sei.cmu.edu} \c" read subdom TMPFILE="/tmp/irc.cf$$" echo "#This line tells machine name and some info about the site and the default port ircd listens on" >> $TMPFILE echo "M:$machname:*:$siteinfo:6667" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This line contains the address of the systems you will be connecting to" >> $TMPFILE echo "#the way you distinguish systems that you are going to connect to and systems that are gonna connect to you is the 6667 on the end" >> $TMPFILE echo "#If they have a 6667 on the end, then its a uphost ( meaning you are connecting to it) if not then its a down host and they connect to you " >> $TMPFILE echo "C:$upip::$upname:6667" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This line goes along with the C line, it is the same for a uphost or a downhost, it does NOT have a 6667 on the end of it." >> $TMPFILE echo "N:$upip::$upname" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This line shows administrative info about your site" >> $TMPFILE echo "A:$adminname:$adminmisc:$adminmail" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This Line shows the default server for clients to use" >> $TMPFILE echo "U:$machname::$machname:6667" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This line shows what all clients it will allow to connect to its server" >> $TMPFILE echo "I:*.$subdom::*.$subdom" >> $TMPFILE echo "#This line setups the id and password to initiate operator mode" >> $TMPFILE echo "O:*.$subdom:$oppass:$opname" >> $TMPFILE echo "What is the full Path to the config file? (Example: /usr/users/vijay/IRC/irc.conf) \c" read conffile echo "This is what your irc.conf file is going to look like" cat $TMPFILE cp $TMPFILE $conffile rm $TMPFILE echo "Your Configuration file has been created." echo "Have a Nice Day." fi